Times of Peace | openCards

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Cardassian iconTimes of Peace

    This Deck article was written by openCards user Dukat at Nov 11th, 2009.

    Times of Peace

    Deck listing:

    Sites Sites:
    Docking Portsimage (5 C 267)
    ❖ Guest Quartersimage (5 U 270)
    Infirmaryimage (5 U 271)
    Opsimage (5 C 272)
    Promenade Shopsimage (5 U 274)
    Science Labimage (5 U 275)

    Seed cards (14):
    DoorwayDoorways (2):
    Q's Tentimage (3 C 15)
    EventEvents (1):
    FacilityFacilitys (3):
    1xCardassian icon 
    1xCardassian icon 
    ❖ Norimage (5 C 83)
    1xNeutral icon 
    IncidentIncidents (3):
    Q the Refereeimage (9 U 29)
    Tribunal of Qimage (0 VP 2)
    War Councilimage (12 R 67)
    ObjectiveObjectives (5):

    Q's Tent Side Deck (13):
    DoorwayDoorways (1):
    EventEvents (5):
    Fair Playimage (6 U 24)
    IncidentIncidents (3):
    InterruptInterrupts (2):
    Oof!image (5 U 95)
    ObjectiveObjectives (1):
    PersonnelPersonnels (1):
    Cardassian icon 
    Ekoorimage (14 U 55)

    Draw deck (102):
    DoorwayDoorways (12):
    Q's Tentimage (3 C 15)
    EquipmentEquipments (8):
    Borg Nanoprobesimage (13 U 12)
    EventEvents (21):
    Duranjaimage (5 R 60)
    The Genesis Effect (GS)image (ST2E 11 PF 12)
    IncidentIncidents (2):
    Q the Refereeimage (9 U 29)
    Strategemaimage (0 P 134)
    InterruptInterrupts (16):
    Mercy Killimage (4 U 52)
    Mutationimage (12 U 72)
    Scorched Handimage (4 U 54)
    ObjectiveObjectives (1):
    For Cardassia!image (11 U 47)
    PersonnelPersonnels (36):
    3xCardassian icon 
    Aamin Marritzaimage (5 R 175)
    1xCardassian icon 
    Benilimage (8 U 57)
    2xCardassian icon 
    ❖ Dakolimage (5 C 179)
    1xCardassian icon 
    Danar (DS9)image (5 R 180)
    1xCardassian icon 
    Dukat (DS9)image (5 R 182)
    1xBajoran icon 
    Furelimage (7 U 52)
    1xBajoran icon Alternate Universe
    ❖ Ganttimage (11 C 51)
    1xCardassian icon Non-Aligned icon Alternate Universe
    Garakimage (0 P 27)
    1xNon-Aligned icon 
    John Doeimage (3 U 69)
    1xBajoran icon Orb Icon
    1xCardassian icon 
    Legate Damarimage (0 P 75)
    1xCardassian icon 
    Lemecimage (8 R 58)
    1xBajoran icon 
    Lenaris Holemimage (5 R 154)
    1xBajoran icon 
    Lupazaimage (7 U 53)
    1xNon-Aligned icon Alternate UniverseClassic Films
    Martiaimage (15 U 98)
    1xNon-Aligned icon 
    Mornimage (8 R+ 111)
    1xBajoran icon 
    Ortaimage (6 U 67)
    2xCardassian icon 
    ❖ Perakimage (5 C 197)
    1xCardassian icon 
    Seskalimage (14 U 60)
    1xBajoran icon 
    Shakaar Edonimage (5 R 167)
    1xNon-Aligned icon 
    Sharatimage (5 U 235)
    1xBajoran icon 
    Surmak Renimage (5 R 168)
    1xBajoran icon Federation icon Delta QuadrantMarqui
    Tabor (VOY)image (12 R 112)
    1xBajoran icon 
    Tahna Losimage (5 R 169)
    1xCardassian icon 
    Tekeny Ghemorimage (5 R 200)
    1xCardassian icon 
    ❖ Telleimage (6 C 75)
    1xCardassian icon 
    Toran (DS9)image (5 R 202)
    1xCardassian icon 
    Turrelimage (5 R 203)
    2xCardassian icon 
    ❖ Vornarimage (14 C 61)
    1xNon-Aligned icon 
    Weyoun 6image (0 P 159)
    1xNon-Aligned icon 
    Zef'Noimage (5 R 237)
    ShipShips (6):
    2xBajoran icon 
    ❖ Bajoran Freighterimage (5 C 248)
    1xCardassian icon 
    Groumallimage (5 R 254)
    2xCardassian icon 
    ❖ Military Freighterimage (5 U 255)
    1xNon-Aligned icon 
    ❖ Xepolite Freighterimage (5 C 263)

    Hints & strategie notes for this Deck

    A fast, simple and robust deck able to win with 2 missions solved.

    In turn 1, use a Q's Tent to get Ekoor and download Weapons Locker to your Ops. By that, you get weapons free plays in Ops as well as universal Cardassian Security personnel free plays with Ekoor.

    As soon as possible, play Resistance personnel on your planet. When you have two in play, use Bajoran Resistance Cell to download Espionage cards in order to draw two cards. Use Kivas Fajo and Mutation to draw additional cards. Use Promenade Shops to probe.

    There are plenty of free plays in this deck: non-aligned CIVILIANs at the War Council which is seeded at Terraforming Station*, Resistance personnel, Guls and Legates at Central Command as well as freighters.

    The optimum per turn is:
    - 8 card draws (Kivas + Mutation + Promenade Shop draw + Bajoran Resistance Cell)
    - 5 free plays (freighter + Gul / Legate + CIVILIAN + Resistance + Cardassian security)

    Strategy play:
    - use Genesis Planet to get rid of lousy dilemmas
    - use Legate Damar and For Cardassia! to solve Cardassia Prime for 50 points
    - use Kressari Rendevous and discard 4 hand weapons to get 45 points and use File Mission Report to get the last 5 points
    - use Aamin Marritza as a scout to get him killed to score extra points
    - use Duranja to score points for killed Bajorans

    *Terraforming Station was used someday in former times. Today it has no special use, BUT it is a neutral facility which can be seeded and might be used to make use of War Council on a planet facility.

    There are no dilemmas particularly needed or in use for this deck. Use any dilemmas you like.