Planets such as Velara III can be transformed to support life. The process takes many decades.
Neutral Facility - Station
Seed on any planet mission. If still in play at end of game, redefine that mission's requirements for the next game with same opponent.
Characteristics: "affiliation".
Rule hint for this card
This card has an clarification:
This station allows you to “terraform” (redefine) the requirements of a planet mission for a subsequent game with the same opponent. You may choose to replace each requirement with another requirement of the same type. You may replace personnel types with personnel types, other regular skills with regular skills that are not personnel types. and attributes with attributes. In addition, you may redefine the name of a Personnel, Equipment, or Artifact card. You may not redefine numbers, icons, or special requirements such as “3 icon Personnel,” or create redundant requirements (such as “Treachery + Treachery”). For example, if a mission requires “MEDICAL + Guinan + CUNNING > 30” it could be changed to “SECURITY + Spock + INTEGRITY > 30.”
The redefinition works for both ends of the mission. The mission loses the redefinition after your next game with the same opponent, even if you don’t use that mission.
You must define the new requirements immediately after the game ends. In tournament play, give the redefinition to the tournament director in writing, before the cards are removed from the spaceline; it will affect a later match in that same tournament, if you play the same opponent.
A redefinition of mission requirements made outside of a specific tournament cannot affect a match within that tournament.
Taken form Glossary - Version 1.9.5.OTF "Banned card list"
This card is part of the actual OTF banlist published by The Continuing Committee - please don't use Terraforming Station in official OTF tournaments.
Card logging info: Logged by openCards team at May 1st, 2009.
Rare card from Q-Continuum (Copyright 1996 by Decipher)
Image Source: The Next Generation - Home Soil (Season 1 - Episode 18)
UCT-ID : ST1E 3 R 32 (manufactor info on card: none)
Print-Style : color (standard) / black border / non-foil
No "reprints" for this card (no cards published with same title and game text in another expansion or with another collection info).
- "Times of Peace" by Dukat
Create your own Deck in the ST1E deck section!There are 48 entries for Terraforming Station (ST1E 3 R 32) at the Tradeplace (71 haves and 10 wants). Click here to see all trade list entries for this Rare card!
Also see here for all trade lists with any card fom "Q-Continuum".