Oversize Cards (OC) | openCards

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[Oversize Cards] Oversize Cards (OC)

    Special set of 4 physical cards published by Decipher (1997-2002).

    Overview card types:
       Overview rarities:

    UCT-IDNamesort descendingRarityTypeAffiliation
    ST1E 0 OP 1
    Locutus of Borgimage (reprint)
    Oversize PromoPersonnelBorg icon
    ST1E 0 OP 2
    Two of Nineimage (reprint)
    Oversize PromoPersonnelBorg icon
    ST1E 0 OP 3
    Admiral Rikerimage (reprint)
    Oversize PromoPersonnelFederation icon
    ST1E 0 OP 4
    Decarenimage (reprint)
    Oversize PromoPersonnelHirogen icon

    By the time Decipher have printed four different oversize cards. While Locutus was only a little bit bigger than a normal card (13 x 9cm) the other three cards are much bigger than a normal card (18 x 13 cm).