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You will find the latest 3 Strategy-Notes here (order desc by publishing date).
An Enemy Among Us
This Strategy-Note article was written by Jason Drake and was published first on "The Continuing Committee (trekcc.org)" at Mar 21st, 2016.
Plots involving assumed identities have long been a staple of Star Trek, going back at least to the original series episode Mirror, Mirror upon which this expansion is based. The drama reached its peak in Deep Space Nine with the machinations of the shape-shifting Founders, and provided some of the most memorable episodes in the franchise.
Infiltration became a part of the Star Trek card game when Decipher released The Dominion in 1999. The mechanic they introduced involved one player's infiltration-capable personnel becoming part of his opponent's crew or away team, and the game's likeness to what had occurred on screen was absolutely perfect. As the cards played out on the table, it really looked like an Infiltration plot.
Unfortunately, making it work in a competitive deck has proven more daunting.
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Dominion Basics (Part 2 of 5): Play and Draw Engines
This Strategy-Note article was written by openCards user Dukat and was published first on "The Continuing Committee (trekcc.org)" at May 27th, 2012.
This article is the second in a series of five to introduce the basics of how to play as the Dominion. The first article was a general introduction - beginning with this one, it will become more concrete.
Every affiliation needs some kind of play and draw engine. Play engines are mostly Headquarters (or Time Locations) or other cards that allow personnel to report for free. Even though the Dominion also has Headquarters, their system of reporting - beside using Headquarters - works a bit differently.
When it comes to draw engines, most affiliations use the standard draw engines that are not affiliation-specific (like Duck Blind, Kivas Fajo - Collector or Temporal Shifting). Even though the Dominion could use those, they have a variety of so-called native draw engines (see below) that are exclusive to them.
In the following, I will depict how Dominion play and draw engines work, why they should be used instead of the universal engines and how this can be done.
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Dominion Basics (Part 1 of 5): Affiliation Introduction
This Strategy-Note article was written by openCards user Dukat and was published first on "The Continuing Committee (trekcc.org)" at Jan 18th, 2012.
Some people may ask why anyone should write 8 articles about a single affiliation. Well, first of all, I consider the Dominion one of the most complex affiliations (right after the Borg) due to their unique characteristics as well as their diverse strengths and weaknesses (which do not balance each other out). To begin with, let's have a look at the basic aspects. (Don't worry: all of them will be explained more fully in later articles).
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