Everything is a Coincidence | openCards

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Klingon iconEverything is a Coincidence

    imagePlayed on one of the tournaments of the big event EC 2018.

    This Deck was build by openCards user Clerasil ToB and was published first on "The Continuing Committee (trekcc.org)" at Jul 28th, 2018.

    image This Deck was used in the following tournament:
    Rank 4 (4/8) - European Continental Champions 2018 (Kassel/Germany)

    Warnings for this deck!
    You can not use more than 30 seed cards in a ST1E deck!

    Everything is a Coincidence

    Deck listing:

    Sites Sites:
    Docking Pylonsimage (5 U 268)
    Opsimage (5 C 272)

    Seed cards (60):
    DilemmaDilemmas (30):
    2xspace mission
    2xspace / planet mission
    2xplanet mission
    Close Callimage (27 V 1)
    2xspace mission
    Cytheriansimage (1 R 22)
    2xspace / planet mission
    Dead Endimage (4 U 7)
    2xspace / planet mission
    Edo Probeimage (2 U 12)
    2xspace / planet mission
    Exe-Q-tionerimage (29 V 8)
    2xplanet mission
    2xspace / planet mission
    Friendly Fireimage (6 C 10)
    2xspace / planet mission
    2xspace mission
    Maglockimage (4 C 10)
    2xplanet mission
    2xspace mission
    2xspace mission
    2xspace / planet mission
    DoorwayDoorways (8):
    Q's Tentimage (3 C 15)
    EventEvents (8):
    FacilityFacilitys (2):
    2xKlingon icon 
    ❖ Klingon Outpostimage (1 C 105)
    IncidentIncidents (4):
    ObjectiveObjectives (4):
    Time LocationTime Locations (4):

    Q's Tent Side Deck (13):
    DilemmaDilemmas (4):
    space mission
    Cytheriansimage (1 R 22)
    planet mission
    space mission
    planet mission
    "God"image (15 R 3)
    EventEvents (2):
    Timepod Ringimage (0 P 130)
    IncidentIncidents (2):
    maH nlvimage (19 V 25)
    Out of Timeimage (18 V 13)
    PersonnelPersonnels (4):
    Klingon icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    Bosharimage (24 V 30)
    Federation icon Alternate UniverseBarash-Illusion Icon
    Non-Aligned icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    Non-Aligned icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    Silikimage (18 V 35)
    ShipShips (1):
    Klingon icon 
    ❖ I.K.C. K'Vortimage (1 C 347)

    Draw deck (66):
    DoorwayDoorways (2):
    Holodeck Doorimage (14 U 13)
    EventEvents (7):
    InterruptInterrupts (18):
    Absolute Powerimage (18 V 14)
    Amanda Rogersimage (1 U 108)
    Quinnimage (12 R 74)
    PersonnelPersonnels (35):
    1xKlingon icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    Advocate Kolosimage (32 V 46)
    1xKlingon icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    Antaakimage (18 V 26)
    1xNon-Aligned icon Starfleet icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    Arik Soongimage (34 V 32)
    1xKlingon icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    Bu'kaHimage (32 V 48)
    1xKlingon icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    Captain Gorothimage (32 V 49)
    1xKlingon icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    Captain Korokimage (32 V 50)
    1xKlingon icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    Captain Vorokimage (32 V 52)
    1xStarfleet icon Non-Aligned icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    Danielsimage (18 V 41)
    1xNon-Aligned icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    ❖ Darritimage (32 V 64)
    1xKlingon icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    1xRomulan icon Non-Aligned icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    Garebimage (18 V 37)
    1xKlingon icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    General K'Vaghimage (18 V 27)
    2xNon-Aligned icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    ❖ Jayaimage (34 V 35)
    1xKlingon icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    ❖ J'Metimage (32 V 56)
    1xKlingon icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    Klaangimage (32 V 57)
    2xKlingon icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    ❖ Lanethimage (18 V 28)
    1xNon-Aligned icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    Lissanimage (34 V 37)
    1xKlingon icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    ❖ Magistrate Gorvilimage (32 V 58)
    1xNon-Aligned icon Alternate Universe
    Malikimage (0 VP 30)
    1xKlingon icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    Marabimage (18 V 29)
    1xKlingon icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    Martreximage (19 V 44)
    1xNon-Aligned icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    Nerasimage (19 V 45)
    2xNon-Aligned icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    ❖ N'Ranaimage (34 V 38)
    2xNon-Aligned icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    Persisimage (0 VR 207)
    1xStarfleet icon Klingon icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    Phlox (SoG)image (19 V 51)
    1xKlingon icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    Prisoner Archerimage (32 V 61)
    1xKlingon icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    Prosecutor Orakimage (32 V 62)
    1xNon-Aligned icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    Sarinimage (34 V 42)
    1xNon-Aligned icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    ❖ Treviximage (32 V 67)
    2xKlingon icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    ❖ Volokimage (18 V 30)
    ShipShips (4):
    2xKlingon icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    1xKlingon icon Alternate Universe
    I.K.C. Fek'lhrimage (2 R 117)
    1xKlingon icon Non-Aligned icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    I.K.S. Nguq'Yabimage (18 V 49)

    Cards from 'out-of-play' (4):
    IncidentIncidents (1):
    PersonnelPersonnels (3):
    1xKlingon icon Mirror QuadrantAlliance
    ❖ Lorevaimage (11 C 93)
    1xNon-Aligned icon Alternate Universe22nd Century
    Raakinimage (34 V 40)
    1xKlingon icon 
    ❖ Zetalimage (7 C 85)