ÜBERSETZUNG & mehr: Assign Mission Specialists | openCards

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ÜBERSETZUNG & mehr: Assign Mission Specialists

    Assign Mission Specialists

    Objective Objective

    Seeds or plays on table. You may download to one of your outposts up to two different mission specialists (personnel whose only skill is a regular skill) that you do not already have in play. Also, while in play, each of your mission specialists scores 5 points whenever they use their skill to meet a mission requirement. You may voluntarily discard objective at start of any of your turns. (Unique.)

    Textual description about 5X bonus points (you score points, when you play or use this card).

    Characteristics: bonus points.
    Requires: Outpost, mission specialist.

    Rule hint for this card

    This card has an erratum:

    This card is no longer a Captain's Order card. The download must be to one of your outposts. Clarification "mission specialist".

    Game text before errata: "Seeds or plays on table. You may download to one outpost up to two different mission specialists that you do not already have in play. Also, while in play, each of your mission specialists scores 5 points whenever they use thier skill to meet a mission requirement. You may voluntarily discard objective at start of any of your turns. (Captain's Order. Unique.)"

    Taken form Glossary - Version 1.9.5.

    This card has an clarification:

    This objective has two effects. First, it allows a one-time download of two mission specialists to an outpost (not to any other type of facility). If you choose to use the optional download, you must do so immediately upon seeding or playing the objective. (The mission specialists are not seed cards.) If you wish to play another Assign Mission Specialists later to download two more specialists, you must first discard the one in play at the start of your turn. (See unique and universal.)

    If the download of the mission specialists is prevented by the activation of Computer Crash, the objective remains in play on the table for its second function. The download opportunity is permanently lost.

    Second, while you have any Assign Mission Specialists card in play, any mission specialists you have in play (regardless of whether downloaded or played normally) score 5 points when using their skill to complete a mission. You decide which of your personnel present use their skills to meet mission requirements. Multiple copies of the same mission specialist may not score points for the same mission, even if multiples of that skill are required. See cumulative.

    For example, the mission Reported Activity requires Navigation + Honor x2. It is solved by the following Away Team: mission specialists B’iJik (Navigation), Konmel (Navigation), Kahless (Honor x2), and two copies of Batrell (Honor), plus non-mission specialist Governor Worf (Honor x2 plus other skills). A maximum of 15 extra points may be scored (5 by Kahless, 5 by one copy of Batrell, and 5 by either B’iJik or Konmel, but not both). Kahless is not forced to meet the entire Honor x2 by himself, nor is Governor Worf required to use his Honor at all.

    A skill with a multiplier, such as Honor x2, is one skill. Any special skill, including a special download, disqualifies a personnel from being a mission specialist. For example, Tarus (Stellar Cartography) and Kahless (Honor x2) are both mission specialists. John Doe, whose only skill is a special skill, and Madam Guinan, who has two skills (one regular and one special), are not mission specialists.

    You cannot create a mission specialist by removing skills from a multi-skilled personnel (e.g., with Tsiolkovsky Infection). If a card replaces a mission specialist’s single skill with another regular skill (e.g., Reflection Therapy), that personnel remains a mission specialist. If a personnel loses mission specialist status due to a card such as a Medical Kit or Mot's Advice, he regains it if separated from the kit or if the card is nullified.

    Taken form Glossary - Version 1.9.5.

    Card logging info: Logged by openCards team at May 1st, 2009.

    Assign Mission SpecialistsAssign Mission Specialists (first version)

    This Card-Review article was written by openCards user DS9-Mike at Aug 31st, 2009.

    Assign Mission Specilists (AMS)


    AMS kann geseeded werden, was auch alle nicht-Borgspielertun. 2 Personen die nur einen Skill haben und dieser ein regulärer istkönnen direkt zu einem deiner Außenposten in der Seedphase gedownloadedwerden.
    (Regulärer Skill = Science, Computer Skill, Archeology etc.)(nicht Rote Dreieckdownloade oder Textskills wie once per game may killa personnel).
    Da es ein download mit Ort (Outpost) ist, sorgt AMS fürdas ausspielen der Personnel, der Quadrant ist hierbei völlig egal.Wichtig ist nur dass die Personnel compatibel mit dem Outpost sind,also keine Föderation Personnel zum Klingonen Außenposten.

    Es gibt auchnon-aligned Mission Specilists, wie Ayala, Hogan, oder Dr. Farek. Somitkommt jede Spezies in den Genuß dieser 2 Startpersonnel. (außer Borg,die haben keine Mission Specilists). AMS ist unique (Einzigartig),kann also nur einmal im Spiel sein, pro Spieler.

    AMS ist am Beginnjeder Runde discardbar. Tut man das, kann man ein neues spielen undweitere 2 Mission Spezialists holen. 

    Weiterer Vorteil: Alle MissionSpecialitsts die mit ihrem Skill mithelfen eine Mission zu lösen, erhalten 5 Punkte.
    Beispiel: Mission: Engineer x3 + ComputerSkill.
    Man löst mit einem Mission Specilists der Computer Skill alseinzigen Skill hat = +5 Punkte beim Mission lösen. 

    -> Gut um mit 2 Personnel mehr das Spiel zu starten und ggf. extra Punkte zu machen.


    Relevante Counter/AntiCounter:

    - Shape-Shift Inhibitor
    dieser kannjedoch erst im Spiel greifen, die 2 Personen in der Seedphase kanneinem keiner nehmen
    - Außerdem gibt es "Mission Specilists"  für AncestralVision. (z.B. Kahless).

