Fajo Collection Rules Supplement: Black Hole | openCards

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Fajo Collection Rules Supplement: Black Hole

    Black Hole

    Doorway Doorway

    Place between two adjacent ❖  Space missions. Creates a location with span of 1. End of every turn, "pulls in" (destroys) all other cards here. Every four full turns, also pulls in on adjacent spaceline location (including all cards there): Alternates, first pulling in the location on your left, then the one on your right, and so on. (Not duplicable).

    Rule hint for this card

    This card has an clarification:

    This doorway may only be played between two of the missions named ❖  Space, not other universal Space icon missions. This doorway will pull in all cards (including ships) at the adjacent location even if a Q-Net is between the Black Hole and the adjacent location. If it pulls in the last location on either end of the spaceline, it stops alternating and continues to pull in locations from the remaining side. Cards that can close a doorway (e.g., Revolving Door) suspend the Black Hole’s game text and are not pulled in.

    When a ship in a Temporal Rift (or Time Travel Pod) is located at a spaceline location that is pulled into a Black Hole, the ship is not immediately discarded, because the ship is time traveling and thus not at that location “in the present”; the card only indicates where it will eventually reappear. Move the ship to the Black Hole location itself until it reappears.

    Taken form Glossary - Version 1.9.5.

    OTF "Banned card list"

    This card is part of the actual OTF banlist published by The Continuing Committee - please don't use Black Hole in official OTF tournaments.

    Card logging info: Logged by openCards team at May 1st, 2009.

    Black Hole

    This Card-Review article was written by openCards user Decipher-Games at Jan 1st, 2008.

    Quote from Fajo Collection Rules Supplemen:

    This doorway creates a shrinking universe; it can potentially absorb the entire spaceline! If the Black Hole “pulls in” the last location on either end of the spaceline, it stops alternating and continues to pull in locations from the remaining side. Of course, cards that can close a doorway (i.e., Revolving Door and Door–Net) can suspend the Black Hole’s game text and, as a result, are not pulled in.

    This card’s game text originally “sucked in” (rather than “pulled in”) locations. To this day, certain members of our product development team still like to joke that “this card sucks.”