Tellarite cargo lane: Repair severe damage at automated facility.
Mission - Space
Mission located in Alpha-Quadrant with span: 4 and points: 30.
Requirements: Physics + Computer Skill + ENGINEER + CUNNING>30
Special Instructions: Solving player may download and use Spacedock here.
List of "personas" for Automated Repair Station:
Characteristics: Mission.
Rule hint for this card
If you play OTF this card replaces the backward compatible 2E card Automated Repair Station from To Boldly Go - ST1E compatible (the 2E card is no longer valide in OTF).
Card logging info: Logged by Roga Danar at Oct 29th, 2010 (Q1 by eberlems at Nov 15th, 2010 & Q2 by Telak at Mar 1st, 2011)
Virtual card from Straight and Steady (by The Continuing Committee)
Image Source: Enterprise - Dead Stop (Season 2 - Episode 4)
UCT-ID : ST1E 18 V 16 (manufactor info on card: 16 V)
Print-Style : color (standard) / black border / non-foil
List of "reprints" for Automated Repair Station: