Rescue content from "LotR Online" | openCards

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Rescue content from "LotR Online"

    This News article was written by openCards user Telak at Jan 16th, 2010.

    As announced, we have woked the last weeks to rescue Lord of the Rings content from the Website "The Lord of the Rings - Online" (, because it's not shure, how long this site will be online after 30.06.2010.

    This process has finished today! You will find now all Decks, Strategy-Notes and Card-Reviews from this site on openCards too.

    Visit the LotR Build section for

    • 24 "new" Decks
    • 22 "new" Strategy-Notes and
    • 50 "new" Card-Reviews

    taken from "The Lord of the Rings - Online" and browse these "new" articles on openCards!

    Some examples?

    And - please let us now, if there are other LotR sources out in the Web that should be rescued ;-)

    Your openCards team.