Digital cards from Deciphers website (DDW) | openCards

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[Digital cards from Deciphers website] Digital cards from Deciphers website (DDW)

    Special set of 5 physical cards published by Decipher ().

    Overview card types:
       Overview rarities:

    UCT-IDNamesort descendingRarityTypeFaction
    LotR 0 AFD 1

    April's Fool joke card. It's not a printed card.

    VirtualGefährteGondor icon
    LotR 0 SPD 1

    Promo for a Saint Patrick's Day event.

    VirtualAusrüstungGondor icon
    LotR 0 SPD 2

    Promo for a Saint Patrick's Day event.

    Virtual PromoAusrüstungShire icon
    LotR 0 SPD 3

    Promo for a Saint Patrick's Day event.

    VirtualAusrüstungRohan icon
    LotR 0 HP 1VirtualGefährteGandalf icon

    Cards published on Deciphers website only in digital version and therefore not availible in a printed version.