Overview card types: | Overview rarities:
UCT-ID | Name | Rarity | Type | Faction |
LotR 0 P 1 | [?]The Prancing Pony (reprint) This promotion card was part of the League Kit in Spring 2002. | Promotion | Ort | |
LotR 0 P 2 | [?]Bill the Pony (reprint) This promotion card was part of the League Kit in Spring 2002. | Promotion | Ausrüstung | |
LotR 0 P 3 | [?]Fireworks (reprint) This promotion card was part of the League Kit in Spring 2002. | Promotion | Ereignis | |
LotR 0 P 4 | [?]Council Courtyard (reprint) This promotion card was part of the League Kit in Spring 2002. | Promotion | Ort | |
LotR 0 P 5 | [?]Horn of Boromir (reprint) This promotion card was part of the League Kit in Spring 2002. | Promotion | Ausrüstung | |
LotR 0 P 6 | [?]Balin's Tomb (reprint) This promotion card was part of the League Kit in Spring 2002. | Promotion | Ort | |
LotR 0 P 7 | [?]Book of Mazarbul (reprint) This promotion card was part of the League Kit in Spring 2002. | Promotion | Ausrüstung | |
LotR 0 P 8 | [?]Galadriel's Glade (reprint) This promotion card was part of the League Kit in Spring 2002. | Promotion | Ort | |
LotR 0 P 9 | [?]Phial of Galadriel (reprint) This promotion card was part of the League Kit in Spring 2002. | Promotion | Ausrüstung | |
LotR 0 P 10 | [?]The Balrog, Durin's Bane (reprint) Magazine Insert Jan-Feb 2002 | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 11 | [?]Saruman, Servant of the Eye (reprint) Magazine Insert May-Jun 2002 | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 12 | [?]Gimli, Son of Gloin (reprint) Part of the Collector's DVD Set from November 2002. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 13 | [?]Legolas, Greenleaf (reprint) Part of the Collector's DVD Set from November 2002. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 14 | [?]Aragorn, Ranger of the North (reprint) Part of the Collector's DVD Set from November 2002. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 15 | [?]Legolas, Son of Thranduil (reprint) Realms of the Elf-Lords Pre-Release from June 2002 | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 16A | [?]Faramir, Son of Denethor (reprint) Was given away on Conventions or by Mail-In Offer during summer to fall 2002 | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 16B | [?]Faramir, Son of Denethor (reprint) Participation in Race to Mount Doom League. Part of the RotK League Kit. | Promotion Foil | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 17A | [?]Éowyn, Lady of Rohan (reprint) Retail Fellowship Incentive Sep-Okt 2002. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 17B | [?]Éowyn, Lady of Rohan (reprint) Participation in Race to Mount Doom League. Part of the RotK League Kit. | Promotion Foil | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 18A | [?]Sméagol, Old Noser (reprint) Retail Fellowship Incentive Feb-Mar 2003. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 18B | [?]Sméagol, Old Noser (reprint) Participation in Race to Mount Doom League. Part of the RotK League Kit. | Promotion Foil | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 19 | [?]Théoden, King of the Golden Hall (reprint) Pre-Release card from Battle of Helm's Deep expansion in February 2003. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 20 | [?]Black Rider (reprint) Participation in Black Rider Tour 2003. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 21 | •Treebeard, Guardian of the Forest (reprint) Pre-Release card from Ents of Fangorn expansion from June 2003. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 22A | [?]Fell Beast (reprint) Retail Incentive June 2003 | Promotion | Ausrüstung | |
LotR 0 P 22B | [?]Fell Beast (reprint) Participation in Race to Mount Doom League. Part of the RotK League Kit. | Promotion Foil | Ausrüstung | |
LotR 0 P 23 | [?]Aragorn, Captain of Gondor (reprint) LOTR Online TCG Registration Incentive Jan 2004. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 24 | [?]Legolas, Elven Stalwart (reprint) LOTR Online TCG Registration Incentive Apr 2004. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 25 | [?]Denethor, Wizened Steward (reprint) Given away on Conventions during summer to fall 2003. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 26 | [?]Gandalf, Defender of the West (reprint) The Return of the King Release cards from November 2003 | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 27 | Return of the King Movie Release Promotion Dec 2003. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 28 | [?]Arwen, Fair Elf Maiden (reprint) DGMA Premier Series Qualifier promo card from 2004. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 29 | [?]Éowyn, Dernhelm (reprint) DGMA Territorial Open Championship card from 2004. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 30 | Promo card from the The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 31 | [?]The Pale Blade (reprint) Promo card from the The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003. | Promotion | Ausrüstung | |
LotR 0 P 32 | [?]Gandalf, Mithrandir (reprint) Promo card from the The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 33 | [?]Firefoot (reprint) Promo card from the The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003. | Promotion | Ausrüstung | |
LotR 0 P 34 | [?]Gimli's Helm (reprint) Promo card from the The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003. | Promotion | Ausrüstung | |
LotR 0 P 35 | •Faramir, Captain of Gondor (reprint) Promo card from the The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 36 | [?]Whip of Many Thongs (reprint) Promo card from the The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003. | Promotion | Artefakt | |
LotR 0 P 37 | [?]The Witch-king, Lord of the Nazgul (reprint) Promo card from the The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 38 | [?]Gandalf's Staff, Walking Stick (reprint) Promo card from the The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003. | Promotion | Artefakt | |
LotR 0 P 39 | [?]Eowyn, Sister-daughter of Théoden (reprint) Promo card from the The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 40 | [?]Axe of Erebor (reprint) Promo card from the The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003. | Promotion | Ausrüstung | |
LotR 0 P 41 | [?]Aragorn's Bow (reprint) Promo card from the The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003. | Promotion | Ausrüstung | |
LotR 0 P 42 | [?]The Balrog's Sword (reprint) Promo card from the The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003. | Promotion | Artefakt | |
LotR 0 P 43 | [?]Úlairë Nelya, Ringwraith in Twilight (reprint) Promo card from the The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 44 | [?]Glamdring, Lightning Brand (reprint) Promo card from the The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003. | Promotion | Ausrüstung | |
LotR 0 P 45 | [?]Éomer, Third Marshal of Riddermark (reprint) Promo card from the The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 46 | [?]Gimli, Skilled Defender (reprint) Promo card from the The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 47 | [?]Aragorn, Defender of Free Peoples (reprint) Promo card from the The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 48 | •Shelob, Last Child of Ungoliant (reprint) Retail Incentive from March 2004 from Siege of Gondor expansion. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 49 | [?]Éomer, Keeper of Oaths (reprint) Release promo card from the Siege of Gondor expansion from March 2004. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 50 | [?]Glorfindel, Revealed in Wrath (reprint) Part of the The Countdown Collection binder cards from May 2004. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 51 | [?]Radagast, The Brown (reprint) Part of the The Countdown Collection binder cards from May 2004. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 52 | [?]Goldberry, River-daughter (reprint) Part of the The Countdown Collection binder cards from May 2004. | Promotion | Verbündeter | |
LotR 0 P 53 | [?]Tom Bombadil, The Master (reprint) Part of the The Countdown Collection binder cards from May 2004. | Promotion | Verbündeter | |
LotR 0 P 54 | [?]Sauron, The Lord of the Rings (reprint) Release promo for the Reflections expansion from May 2004. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 55 | [?]Gorgoroth Swarm (reprint) Release promo from the Mount Doom expansion from July 2004. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 56 | Promo card from the Weta Collection. Available directly through Decipher shop in summer 2004. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 57 | Promo card from the Weta Collection. Available directly through Decipher shop in summer 2004. | Promotion | Artefakt | |
LotR 0 P 58 | Promo card from the Weta Collection. Available directly through Decipher shop in summer 2004. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 59 | Promo card from the Weta Collection. Available directly through Decipher shop in summer 2004. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 60 | Promo card from the Weta Collection. Available directly through Decipher shop in summer 2004. | Promotion | Ausrüstung | |
LotR 0 P 61 | [?]The Witch-king, Black Captain (reprint) DGMA Premier Series Qualifier promo card from 2004. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 62 | Online League promo card. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 63 | •Arwen, Maiden of Rivendell (first print) Online League promo card. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 64 | •Gandalf, Stormcrow (first print) Online League promo card | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 65 | Online League promo card | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 66 | •Eomer, Forthwith Banished (first print) Online League promo card | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 67 | Online League promo card | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 68 | [?]The One Ring, The Binding Ring (reprint) Given away exclusively on DecipherCon in 2004. | Promotion | Der Eine Ring | |
LotR 0 P 69 | [?]Nocked (reprint) Couldbe ordered through Decipher Shop in December 2004. | Promotion | Ereignis | |
LotR 0 P 70 | [?]Gandalf, Leader of the Company (reprint) Part of the price support in 2004. | Tournament Foil | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 71 | [?]Boromir, Hero of Osgiliath (reprint) Part of the price support in 2004. | Tournament Foil | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 72 | [?]Bow of Minas Tirith (reprint) Part of the price support in 2004. | Tournament Foil | Ausrüstung | |
LotR 0 P 73 | [?]Armored Easterling (reprint) Part of the price support in 2004. | Tournament Foil | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 74 | [?]Poleaxe (reprint) Could be ordered through Decipher Shop in January 2005. | Tournament Foil | Ausrüstung | |
LotR 0 P 75 | [?]Champion Orc (reprint) Part of the price support in 2005. | Tournament Foil | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 76 | [?]Spurred to Battle (reprint) Part of the price support in 2005. | Tournament Foil | Bedingung | |
LotR 0 P 77 | [?]Riders of the Mark (reprint) Part of the price support in 2005. | Tournament Foil | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 78 | [?]Sam, Steadfast Friend (reprint) Part of the price support in 2005. | Tournament Foil | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 79 | [?]Arwen, Staunch Defender (reprint) Release promo from the expansion Shadows. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 80 | [?]Éomer, Éored Leader (reprint) Participation in Wars Tour in fall 2004. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 81 | [?]Úlairë Toldëa, Black Shadow (reprint) Sales Incentive card of the Black Rider expansion from February 2005. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 82 | [?]The Witch-king's Beast, Fell Creature (reprint) Release promo from the expansion Black Rider from February 2005. | Promotion | Ausrüstung | |
LotR 0 P 83 | DGMA Premier Series Qualifier promo card from 2005. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 84 | [?]Sting, Weapon of Heritage (reprint) DGMA Territorial Open Championship promo card from 2005. | Promotion | Ausrüstung | |
LotR 0 P 85 | DGMA Premier Series in France from December 2004. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 86 | [?]Pippin, Brave Decoy (reprint) DGMA Premier Series in Las Vegas promo card from March 2005. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 87 | [?]Legolas, Companion of the Ring (reprint) GAMA Trade Show Exclusive promo card from MArch 2005. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 88 | [?]Éowyn, Shieldmaiden of Rohan (reprint) Decipher Convention Exclusive promo card from 2005. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 89 | [?]Jarnsmid, Barding Emissary (reprint) Part of the price support in 2005. | Tournament Foil | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 90 | [?]Vapour and Steam (reprint) Part of the price support in 2005. | Tournament Foil | Bedingung | |
LotR 0 P 91 | [?]Massing Strength (reprint) Part of the price support in 2005. | Tournament Foil | Ereignis | |
LotR 0 P 92 | [?]Morgul Tormentor (reprint) Part of the price support in 2005. | Tournament Foil | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 93 | [?]Farmer Maggot, Hobbit of the Marish (reprint) Part of the price support in 2005. | Tournament Foil | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 94 | Mithril-coat, Dwarf-mail (reprint) Part of the price support in 2005. | Tournament Foil | Artefakt | |
LotR 0 P 95 | [?]Saruman, Agent of the Dark Lord (reprint) Part of the price support in 2005. | Tournament Foil | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 96 | [?]Keening Wail (reprint) Part of the price support in 2005. | Tournament Foil | Ereignis | |
LotR 0 P 97 | Part of the price support in 2005. | Tournament Foil | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 98 | [?]Úlairë Lemenya, Black Enemy (reprint) Black Rider Pre-order Incentive promo card from January 2005. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 99 | [?]Úlairë Nelya, Black Hunter (reprint) Relase promo from the expansion Black Rider. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 100 | Promo only available in the Decipher Rewards Shop in 2005. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 101 | [?]Orophin, Brother of Haldir (reprint) | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 102 | [?]Gríma, Footman of Saruman (reprint) | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 103 | DGMA Premier Series in Netherlands promo card from 2005. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 104 | [?]Saruman, of Many Colours (reprint) DGMA Premier Series Origins promo card from 2005. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 105 | DGMA Continental Championship prom ocard from 2005. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 106 | [?]Háma, Captain of the King's Guard (reprint) Bloodlines Pre-order Incentive promo card from July 2005. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 107 | [?]Guard of the White Tree (reprint) Release promo card from the expansion Bloodlines from July 2005. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 108 | Promo card is part of the Nine Riders Collection exclusively given away in the Decipher Shop during fall 2005. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 109 | Promo card is part of the Nine Riders Collection exclusively given away in the Decipher Shop during fall 2005. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 110 | Promo card is part of the Nine Riders Collection exclusively given away in the Decipher Shop during fall 2005. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 111 | Promo card is part of the Nine Riders Collection exclusively given away in the Decipher Shop during fall 2005. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 112 | Promo card is part of the Nine Riders Collection exclusively given away in the Decipher Shop during fall 2005. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 113 | Promo card is part of the Nine Riders Collection exclusively given away in the Decipher Shop during fall 2005. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 114 | Promo card is part of the Nine Riders Collection exclusively given away in the Decipher Shop during fall 2005. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 115 | Promo card is part of the Nine Riders Collection exclusively given away in the Decipher Shop during fall 2005. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 116 | Promo card is part of the Nine Riders Collection exclusively given away in the Decipher Shop during fall 2005. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 117 | [?]Faramir, Prince of Ithilien (reprint) Participation on DecipherCon in 2005. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 118 | [?]Eowyn, Restless Warrior (reprint) Redemption Wrapper promo card from 2005. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 119 | [?]Isildur, Heir of Elendil (reprint) | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 120 | [?]Isengard Marauder (reprint) Release promo from the expansion The Hunters. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 121 | [?]Covetous Uruk (reprint) Release promo from the expansion The Hunters. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 122 | •Haldir, Sentry of the Golden Wood (reprint) Release promo from the expansion The Hunters. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 123 | [?]Gimli, Eager Hunter (reprint) dAgent Exclusive promo card from 2006. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 124 | •Legolas, Fleet-footed Hunter (reprint) dAgent Exclusive promo card from 2006. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 125 | [?]Aragorn, Swift Hunter (reprint) dAgent Exclusive promo card from 2006. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 126 | [?]Lurtz, Now Perfected (reprint) Tournament Director Exclusive promo card from 2006. | Promotion | Knecht | |
LotR 0 P 127 | [?]Aragorn, Defender of Rohan (reprint) dAgent Exclusive promo card from 2006. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 P 128 | [?]Primitive Brand (reprint) | Promotion | Ausrüstung | |
LotR 0 P 129 | dAgent Exclusive promo card from 2007. | Promotion | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 D 1 | [?]Buckland Homestead (reprint) This promotion card was part of the price support for the league. | DGMA Promo | Ort | |
LotR 0 D 2 | [?]Caras Galadhon (reprint) This promotion card was part of the price support for the league. | DGMA Promo | Ort | |
LotR 0 D 3 | [?]Cavern Entrance (reprint) This promotion card was part of the price support for the league. | DGMA Promo | Ort | |
LotR 0 D 4 | [?]Neekerbreekers' Bog (reprint) This promotion card was part of the price support for the league. | DGMA Promo | Ort | |
LotR 0 D 5 | [?]Theodred, Second Marshal of the Mark (reprint) DGMA Online Premier Series promo card. | DGMA Promo | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 D 6 | [?]Elendil, High-King of Gondor (reprint) DGMA World Championship promo card from 2005. | DGMA Promo | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 D 7 | [?]Ordnance Grunt (reprint) DGMA Premier Series Qualifier Online promo card from 2005. | DGMA Promo | Knecht | |
LotR 0 D 8A | [?]Bilbo, Aged Ring-bearer (reprint) DGMA World Cup promo card from 2005. | DGMA Promo | Gefährte | |
LotR 0 D 9 | [error]Breeding Pit of Isengard (reprint) | DGMA Promo | Ort | |
LotR 0 D 10 | [error]City of Kings (reprint) | DGMA Promo | Ort | |
LotR 0 D 11 | [error]Pinnacle of Zirakzigil (reprint) | DGMA Promo | Ort | |
LotR 0 D 12 | [error]The Prancing Pony (reprint) | DGMA Promo | Ort | |
LotR 0 D 13 | [error]Falls of Rauros (reprint) | DGMA Promo | Ort | |
LotR 0 D 14 | [error]Imladriss (reprint) | DGMA Promo | Ort |
Icon to represent this set on openCards.