Promotion Cards (Promo) | openCards

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[Promotion Cards] Promotion Cards (Promo)

    Special set of 147 physical cards published by Decipher (Spring 2002 - Summer 2007).

    Overview card types:
    AllyArtifactCompanionConditionEventMinionPossessionSiteThe One Ring
       Overview rarities:

    UCT-IDNamesort descendingRarityTypeFaction
    LotR 0 P 1

    This promotion card was part of the League Kit in Spring 2002.

    LotR 0 P 2
    [?]Bill the Ponyimage (reprint)

    This promotion card was part of the League Kit in Spring 2002.

    PromotionAusrüstungShire icon
    LotR 0 P 3
    [?]Fireworksimage (reprint)

    This promotion card was part of the League Kit in Spring 2002.

    PromotionEreignisGandalf icon
    LotR 0 P 4

    This promotion card was part of the League Kit in Spring 2002.

    LotR 0 P 5

    This promotion card was part of the League Kit in Spring 2002.

    PromotionAusrüstungGondor icon
    LotR 0 P 6
    [?]Balin's Tombimage (reprint)

    This promotion card was part of the League Kit in Spring 2002.

    LotR 0 P 7

    This promotion card was part of the League Kit in Spring 2002.

    PromotionAusrüstungDwarven icon
    LotR 0 P 8

    This promotion card was part of the League Kit in Spring 2002.

    LotR 0 P 9

    This promotion card was part of the League Kit in Spring 2002.

    PromotionAusrüstungElven icon
    LotR 0 P 10

    Magazine Insert Jan-Feb 2002

    PromotionKnechtMoria icon
    LotR 0 P 11

    Magazine Insert May-Jun 2002

    PromotionKnechtIsengard icon
    LotR 0 P 12

    Part of the Collector's DVD Set  from November 2002.

    PromotionGefährteDwarven icon
    LotR 0 P 13

    Part of the Collector's DVD Set  from November 2002.

    PromotionGefährteElven icon
    LotR 0 P 14

    Part of the Collector's DVD Set  from November 2002.

    PromotionGefährteGondor icon
    LotR 0 P 15

    Realms of the Elf-Lords Pre-Release  from June 2002

    PromotionGefährteElven icon
    LotR 0 P 16A

    Was given away on Conventions or by Mail-In Offer during summer to fall 2002

    PromotionGefährteGondor icon
    LotR 0 P 16B

    Participation in Race to Mount Doom League. Part of the RotK League Kit.

    Promotion FoilGefährteGondor icon
    LotR 0 P 17A

    Retail Fellowship Incentive Sep-Okt 2002.

    PromotionGefährteRohan icon
    LotR 0 P 17B

    Participation in Race to Mount Doom League. Part of the RotK League Kit.

    Promotion FoilGefährteRohan icon
    LotR 0 P 18A

    Retail Fellowship Incentive Feb-Mar 2003.

    PromotionGefährteGollum icon
    LotR 0 P 18B

    Participation in Race to Mount Doom League. Part of the RotK League Kit.

    Promotion FoilGefährteGollum icon
    LotR 0 P 19

    Pre-Release card from Battle of Helm's Deep expansion in February 2003.

    PromotionGefährteRohan icon
    LotR 0 P 20
    [?]Black Riderimage (reprint)

    Participation in Black Rider Tour 2003.

    PromotionKnechtRingwraith icon
    LotR 0 P 21

    Pre-Release card from Ents of Fangorn expansion from June 2003.

    PromotionGefährteGandalf icon
    LotR 0 P 22A
    [?]Fell Beastimage (reprint)

    Retail Incentive June 2003

    PromotionAusrüstungRingwraith icon
    LotR 0 P 22B
    [?]Fell Beastimage (reprint)

    Participation in Race to Mount Doom League. Part of the RotK League Kit.

    Promotion FoilAusrüstungRingwraith icon
    LotR 0 P 23

    LOTR Online TCG Registration Incentive Jan 2004.

    PromotionGefährteGondor icon
    LotR 0 P 24

    LOTR Online TCG Registration Incentive Apr 2004.

    PromotionGefährteElven icon
    LotR 0 P 25

    Given away on Conventions during summer to fall 2003.

    PromotionGefährteGondor icon
    LotR 0 P 26

    The Return of the King Release cards from November 2003

    PromotionGefährteGandalf icon
    LotR 0 P 27

    Return of the King Movie Release Promotion Dec 2003.

    PromotionGefährteShire icon
    LotR 0 P 28

    DGMA Premier Series Qualifier promo card from 2004.

    PromotionGefährteElven icon
    LotR 0 P 29

    DGMA Territorial Open Championship card from 2004.

    PromotionGefährteRohan icon
    LotR 0 P 30

    Promo card from the  The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003.

    PromotionKnechtMoria icon
    LotR 0 P 31

    Promo card from the  The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003.

    PromotionAusrüstungRingwraith icon
    LotR 0 P 32

    Promo card from the  The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003.

    PromotionGefährteGandalf icon
    LotR 0 P 33
    [?]Firefootimage (reprint)

    Promo card from the  The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003.

    PromotionAusrüstungRohan icon
    LotR 0 P 34
    [?]Gimli's Helmimage (reprint)

    Promo card from the  The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003.

    PromotionAusrüstungDwarven icon
    LotR 0 P 35

    Promo card from the  The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003.

    PromotionGefährteGondor icon
    LotR 0 P 36

    Promo card from the  The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003.

    PromotionArtefaktMoria icon
    LotR 0 P 37

    Promo card from the  The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003.

    PromotionKnechtRingwraith icon
    LotR 0 P 38

    Promo card from the  The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003.

    PromotionArtefaktGandalf icon
    LotR 0 P 39

    Promo card from the  The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003.

    PromotionGefährteRohan icon
    LotR 0 P 40
    [?]Axe of Ereborimage (reprint)

    Promo card from the  The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003.

    PromotionAusrüstungDwarven icon
    LotR 0 P 41
    [?]Aragorn's Bowimage (reprint)

    Promo card from the  The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003.

    PromotionAusrüstungGondor icon
    LotR 0 P 42

    Promo card from the  The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003.

    PromotionArtefaktMoria icon
    LotR 0 P 43

    Promo card from the  The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003.

    PromotionKnechtRingwraith icon
    LotR 0 P 44

    Promo card from the  The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003.

    PromotionAusrüstungGandalf icon
    LotR 0 P 45

    Promo card from the  The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003.

    PromotionGefährteRohan icon
    LotR 0 P 46

    Promo card from the  The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003.

    PromotionGefährteDwarven icon
    LotR 0 P 47

    Promo card from the  The Countdown Collection. Could be ordered from August to December 2003.

    PromotionGefährteGondor icon
    LotR 0 P 48

    Retail Incentive from March 2004 from Siege of Gondor expansion.

    PromotionKnechtGollum icon
    LotR 0 P 49

    Release promo card from the Siege of Gondor expansion from March 2004.

    PromotionGefährteRohan icon
    LotR 0 P 50

    Part of the The Countdown Collection binder cards from May 2004.

    PromotionGefährteElven icon
    LotR 0 P 51

    Part of the The Countdown Collection binder cards from May 2004.

    PromotionGefährteGandalf icon
    LotR 0 P 52

    Part of the The Countdown Collection binder cards from May 2004.

    PromotionVerbündeterShire icon
    LotR 0 P 53

    Part of the The Countdown Collection binder cards from May 2004.

    PromotionVerbündeterShire icon
    LotR 0 P 54

    Release promo for the Reflections expansion from May 2004.

    PromotionKnechtSauron icon
    LotR 0 P 55

    Release promo from the Mount Doom expansion from July 2004.

    PromotionKnechtSauron icon
    LotR 0 P 56

    Promo card from the Weta Collection. Available directly through Decipher shop in summer 2004.

    PromotionGefährteGandalf icon
    LotR 0 P 57

    Promo card from the Weta Collection. Available directly through Decipher shop in summer 2004.

    PromotionArtefaktGandalf icon
    LotR 0 P 58

    Promo card from the Weta Collection. Available directly through Decipher shop in summer 2004.

    PromotionGefährteGondor icon
    LotR 0 P 59

    Promo card from the Weta Collection. Available directly through Decipher shop in summer 2004.

    PromotionGefährteRohan icon
    LotR 0 P 60

    Promo card from the Weta Collection. Available directly through Decipher shop in summer 2004.

    PromotionAusrüstungShire icon
    LotR 0 P 61

    DGMA Premier Series Qualifier promo card from 2004.

    PromotionKnechtRingwraith icon
    LotR 0 P 62

    Online League promo card.

    PromotionGefährteDwarven icon
    LotR 0 P 63

    Online League promo card.

    PromotionGefährteElven icon
    LotR 0 P 64
    •Gandalf, Stormcrowimage (first print)

    Online League promo card

    PromotionGefährteGandalf icon
    LotR 0 P 65

    Online League promo card

    PromotionGefährteGondor icon
    LotR 0 P 66

    Online League promo card

    PromotionGefährteRohan icon
    LotR 0 P 67

    Online League promo card

    PromotionGefährteShire icon
    LotR 0 P 68

    Given away exclusively on DecipherCon in 2004.

    PromotionDer Eine Ring
    LotR 0 P 69
    [?]Nockedimage (reprint)

    Couldbe ordered through Decipher Shop in December 2004.

    PromotionEreignisElven icon
    LotR 0 P 70

    Part of the price support in 2004.

    Tournament FoilGefährteGandalf icon
    LotR 0 P 71

    Part of the price support in 2004.

    Tournament FoilGefährteGondor icon
    LotR 0 P 72

    Part of the price support in 2004.

    Tournament FoilAusrüstungGondor icon
    LotR 0 P 73

    Part of the price support in 2004.

    Tournament FoilKnechtMen icon
    LotR 0 P 74
    [?]Poleaxeimage (reprint)

    Could be ordered through Decipher Shop in January 2005.

    Tournament FoilAusrüstungMen icon
    LotR 0 P 75
    [?]Champion Orcimage (reprint)

    Part of the price support in 2005.

    Tournament FoilKnechtOrc icon
    LotR 0 P 76

    Part of the price support in 2005.

    Tournament FoilBedingungOrc icon
    LotR 0 P 77

    Part of the price support in 2005.

    Tournament FoilGefährteRohan icon
    LotR 0 P 78

    Part of the price support in 2005.

    Tournament FoilGefährteShire icon
    LotR 0 P 79

    Release promo from the expansion Shadows.

    PromotionGefährteElven icon
    LotR 0 P 80

    Participation in Wars Tour in fall 2004.

    PromotionGefährteRohan icon
    LotR 0 P 81

    Sales Incentive card of the Black Rider expansion from February 2005.

    PromotionKnechtRingwraith icon
    LotR 0 P 82

    Release promo from the expansion Black Rider from February 2005.

    PromotionAusrüstungRingwraith icon
    LotR 0 P 83

    DGMA Premier Series Qualifier promo card from 2005.

    PromotionKnechtRingwraith icon
    LotR 0 P 84

    DGMA Territorial Open Championship promo card from 2005.

    PromotionAusrüstungShire icon
    LotR 0 P 85

    DGMA Premier Series in France from December 2004.

    PromotionKnechtOrc icon
    LotR 0 P 86

    DGMA Premier Series in Las Vegas promo card from March 2005.

    PromotionGefährteShire icon
    LotR 0 P 87

    GAMA Trade Show Exclusive promo card from MArch 2005.

    PromotionGefährteElven icon
    LotR 0 P 88

    Decipher Convention Exclusive promo card from 2005.

    PromotionGefährteRohan icon
    LotR 0 P 89

    Part of the price support in 2005.

    Tournament FoilGefährteGandalf icon
    LotR 0 P 90

    Part of the price support in 2005.

    Tournament FoilBedingungGandalf icon
    LotR 0 P 91

    Part of the price support in 2005.

    Tournament FoilEreignisOrc icon
    LotR 0 P 92

    Part of the price support in 2005.

    Tournament FoilKnechtOrc icon
    LotR 0 P 93

    Part of the price support in 2005.

    Tournament FoilGefährteShire icon
    LotR 0 P 94

    Part of the price support in 2005.

    Tournament FoilArtefaktShire icon
    LotR 0 P 95

    Part of the price support in 2005.

    Tournament FoilKnechtUruk-hai icon
    LotR 0 P 96
    [?]Keening Wailimage (reprint)

    Part of the price support in 2005.

    Tournament FoilEreignisRingwraith icon
    LotR 0 P 97

    Part of the price support in 2005.

    Tournament FoilKnechtRingwraith icon
    LotR 0 P 98

    Black Rider Pre-order Incentive promo card from January 2005.

    PromotionKnechtRingwraith icon
    LotR 0 P 99

    Relase promo from the expansion Black Rider.

    PromotionKnechtRingwraith icon
    LotR 0 P 100

    Promo only available in the Decipher Rewards Shop in 2005.

    PromotionKnechtMen icon
    LotR 0 P 101PromotionGefährteElven icon
    LotR 0 P 102PromotionKnechtMen icon
    LotR 0 P 103

    DGMA Premier Series in Netherlands promo card from 2005.

    PromotionKnechtRingwraith icon
    LotR 0 P 104

    DGMA Premier Series Origins promo card from 2005.

    PromotionKnechtIsengard icon
    LotR 0 P 105

    DGMA Continental Championship prom ocard from 2005.

    PromotionKnechtRingwraith icon
    LotR 0 P 106

    Bloodlines Pre-order Incentive promo card from July 2005.

    PromotionGefährteRohan icon
    LotR 0 P 107

    Release promo card from the expansion Bloodlines from July 2005.

    PromotionGefährteGondor icon
    LotR 0 P 108

    Promo card is part of the Nine Riders Collection exclusively given away in the Decipher Shop during fall 2005.

    PromotionKnechtRingwraith icon
    LotR 0 P 109

    Promo card is part of the Nine Riders Collection exclusively given away in the Decipher Shop during fall 2005.

    PromotionKnechtRingwraith icon
    LotR 0 P 110

    Promo card is part of the Nine Riders Collection exclusively given away in the Decipher Shop during fall 2005.

    PromotionKnechtRingwraith icon
    LotR 0 P 111

    Promo card is part of the Nine Riders Collection exclusively given away in the Decipher Shop during fall 2005.

    PromotionKnechtRingwraith icon
    LotR 0 P 112

    Promo card is part of the Nine Riders Collection exclusively given away in the Decipher Shop during fall 2005.

    PromotionKnechtRingwraith icon
    LotR 0 P 113

    Promo card is part of the Nine Riders Collection exclusively given away in the Decipher Shop during fall 2005.

    PromotionKnechtRingwraith icon
    LotR 0 P 114

    Promo card is part of the Nine Riders Collection exclusively given away in the Decipher Shop during fall 2005.

    PromotionKnechtRingwraith icon
    LotR 0 P 115

    Promo card is part of the Nine Riders Collection exclusively given away in the Decipher Shop during fall 2005.

    PromotionKnechtRingwraith icon
    LotR 0 P 116

    Promo card is part of the Nine Riders Collection exclusively given away in the Decipher Shop during fall 2005.

    PromotionKnechtRingwraith icon
    LotR 0 P 117

    Participation on DecipherCon in 2005.

    PromotionGefährteGondor icon
    LotR 0 P 118

    Redemption Wrapper promo card from 2005.

    PromotionGefährteRohan icon
    LotR 0 P 119PromotionGefährteGondor icon
    LotR 0 P 120

    Release promo from the expansion The Hunters.

    PromotionKnechtOrc icon
    LotR 0 P 121
    [?]Covetous Urukimage (reprint)

    Release promo from the expansion The Hunters.

    PromotionKnechtUruk-hai icon
    LotR 0 P 122

    Release promo from the expansion The Hunters.

    PromotionGefährteElven icon
    LotR 0 P 123

    dAgent Exclusive promo card from 2006.

    PromotionGefährteDwarven icon
    LotR 0 P 124

    dAgent Exclusive promo card from 2006.

    PromotionGefährteElven icon
    LotR 0 P 125

    dAgent Exclusive promo card from 2006.

    PromotionGefährteGondor icon
    LotR 0 P 126

    Tournament Director Exclusive promo card from 2006.

    PromotionKnechtUruk-hai icon
    LotR 0 P 127

    dAgent Exclusive promo card from 2006.

    PromotionGefährteRohan icon
    LotR 0 P 128PromotionAusrüstungMen icon
    LotR 0 P 129

    dAgent Exclusive promo card from 2007.

    PromotionGefährteGondor icon
    LotR 0 D 1

    This promotion card was part of the price support for the league.

    DGMA PromoOrt
    LotR 0 D 2

    This promotion card was part of the price support for the league.

    DGMA PromoOrt
    LotR 0 D 3

    This promotion card was part of the price support for the league.

    DGMA PromoOrt
    LotR 0 D 4

    This promotion card was part of the price support for the league.

    DGMA PromoOrt
    LotR 0 D 5

    DGMA Online Premier Series promo card.

    DGMA PromoGefährteRohan icon
    LotR 0 D 6

    DGMA World Championship promo card from 2005.

    DGMA PromoGefährteGondor icon
    LotR 0 D 7

    DGMA Premier Series Qualifier Online promo card from 2005.

    DGMA PromoKnechtOrc icon
    LotR 0 D 8A

    DGMA World Cup promo card from 2005.

    DGMA PromoGefährteShire icon
    LotR 0 D 9DGMA PromoOrt
    LotR 0 D 10DGMA PromoOrt
    LotR 0 D 11DGMA PromoOrt
    LotR 0 D 12DGMA PromoOrt
    LotR 0 D 13DGMA PromoOrt
    LotR 0 D 14
    [error]Imladrissimage (reprint)
    DGMA PromoOrt

    Oversize Cards Icon to represent this set on openCards.