"reman_grunt's" tradelist overview for "Strange New Worlds" | openCards

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"reman_grunt's" tradelist overview for "Strange New Worlds"

    You see the tradelist for "Strange New Worlds" form openCards member "reman_grunt" here. Hint: You will see only those card here, where "reman_grunt" has already editied "Haves" and/or "Wants" in his or her collection. So, if you miss a card form this expansion or special set here, it's because "reman_grunt" has no corresponding trade cards edited in his or her collection on openCards. Please keep also in mind: a user may mark a card multiple times for "Haves" or/and "Wants" - this could be a explanation for high numbers of "Haves" and/or "Wants" for a single card.

    "reman_grunt's" tradelist for "Strange New Worlds":

    InfoNameRarityType# Haves# Wants
    ST2E 7 U 1Charged-Particle PrecipitationUncommonDilemma10
    ST2E 7 R 4EntanglementRareDilemma10
    ST2E 7 U 5Financial PitfallUncommonDilemma20
    ST2E 7 U 11Psych TestUncommonDilemma10
    ST2E 7 U 13Small ProblemsUncommonDilemma10
    ST2E 7 U 16Ferengi ComputerUncommonEquipment10
    ST2E 7 U 21Holodeck GridUncommonEvent10
    ST2E 7 U 33Tongo: ConfrontUncommonEvent10
    ST2E 7 U 34Vedek AssemblyUncommonEvent10
    ST2E 7 U 39Cluttering IrrelevanciesUncommonInterrupt10
    ST2E 7 U 42Means of ControlUncommonInterrupt10
    ST2E 7 U 44Veiled ThreatUncommonInterrupt10
    ST2E 7 U 45Advanced Battle SimulationUncommonMission10
    ST2E 7 U 47Deliver PrisonersUncommonMission10
    ST2E 7 U 48Ferenginar, Financial HubUncommonMission10
    ST2E 7 U 51Protect the EscapeesUncommonMission10
    ST2E 7 U 54Bajoran icon Kira Nerys, Pious MajorUncommonPersonnel10
    ST2E 7 U 55Bajoran icon Lenaris Holem, Bold VeteranUncommonPersonnel10
    ST2E 7 U 56Borg icon Observation DroneUncommonPersonnel10
    ST2E 7 U 57Borg icon Reinforcement DroneUncommonPersonnel10
    ST2E 7 U 58Cardassian icon Dejar, Cunning SaboteurUncommonPersonnel20
    ST2E 7 U 60Dominion icon Duran'Adar, Attentive SixthUncommonPersonnel10
    ST2E 7 U 64Federation icon Daneeka, Reassuring PhysicianUncommonPersonnel10
    ST2E 7 U 71Ferengi icon Birta, "Helpful" DaiMonUncommonPersonnel10
    ST2E 7 U 72Ferengi icon Bok, Vengeful DaiMonUncommonPersonnel10
    ST2E 7 U 79Ferengi icon KolUncommonPersonnel10
    ST2E 7 U 84Ferengi icon Lwaxana Troi, Telepathic AssetUncommonPersonnel10
    ST2E 7 U 85Ferengi icon Maihar'du, Silent ServantUncommonPersonnel10
    ST2E 7 U 87Ferengi icon NavaUncommonPersonnel10
    ST2E 7 U 88Ferengi icon Par Lenor, Lascivious EmissaryUncommonPersonnel10
    ST2E 7 U 90Ferengi icon Rom, Younger BrotherUncommonPersonnel10
    ST2E 7 U 96Klingon icon K'Ehleyr, Diplomatic AdvisorUncommonPersonnel10
    ST2E 7 U 99Non-Aligned icon Calisthenics OpponentUncommonPersonnel10
    ST2E 7 U 112Romulan icon Kassem, Stern OperativeUncommonPersonnel10
    ST2E 7 U 115Ferengi icon Audit's SpoilsUncommonShip10

    Within this selection you can generate PDF files about the Tradelists ("Haves" and "Wants") of openCards user "reman_grunt". Simply click on one of the following links and the automatically generated PDF list will open (only condition: you must have an PDF reader on you local computer).

    reman_grunt's Tradelist: haves & wants
    reman_grunt's: haves only
    reman_grunt's: wants only
    reman_grunt's: Star Trek Second Edition haves & wants
    reman_grunt's: Star Trek Second Edition haves only
    reman_grunt's: Star Trek Second Edition wants only
    reman_grunt's: Strange New Worlds haves & wants
    reman_grunt's: Strange New Worlds haves only
    reman_grunt's: Strange New Worlds wants only