"kevkruk's" tradelist overview for "Call to Arms" | openCards

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"kevkruk's" tradelist overview for "Call to Arms"

    You see the tradelist for "Call to Arms" form openCards member "kevkruk" here. Hint: You will see only those card here, where "kevkruk" has already editied "Haves" and/or "Wants" in his or her collection. So, if you miss a card form this expansion or special set here, it's because "kevkruk" has no corresponding trade cards edited in his or her collection on openCards. Please keep also in mind: a user may mark a card multiple times for "Haves" or/and "Wants" - this could be a explanation for high numbers of "Haves" and/or "Wants" for a single card.

    "kevkruk's" tradelist for "Call to Arms":

    InfoNameRarityType# Haves# Wants
    ST2E 3 R 44I Don't Like to LoseRareEvent20
    ST2E 3 R 60The Crystalline EntityRareEvent10
    ST2E 3 R 62The Manheim EffectRareEvent10
    ST2E 3 R 75Parting ShotRareInterrupt10
    ST2E 3 R 76PseudopodRareInterrupt10
    ST2E 3 R 113Bajoran icon Odo, Wayward LinkRarePersonnel10
    ST2E 3 R 123Borg icon Borg Queen, Guardian of the HiveRarePersonnel10
    ST2E 3 R 138Borg icon Seven of Nine, Part of the Greater WholeRarePersonnel10
    ST2E 3 R 143Cardassian icon Dukat, Liberator and ProtectorRarePersonnel20
    ST2E 3 R 150Dominion icon Bashir Founder, Nefarious SaboteurRarePersonnel10
    ST2E 3 U 170Dominion icon Weyoun, Instrument of the FoundersUncommonPersonnel10
    ST2E 3 R 174Federation icon B'Elanna Torres, Creative EngineerRarePersonnel10
    ST2E 3 R 175Federation icon Jack, Maladjusted MisfitRarePersonnel10
    ST2E 3 R 182Ferengi icon Quark, Resistance InformantRarePersonnel10
    ST2E 3 R 183Ferengi icon Rom, Undercover SpyRarePersonnel10
    ST2E 3 R 186Klingon icon Kor, Noble Warrior to the EndRarePersonnel10
    ST2E 3 R 197Romulan icon Ruwon, Intelligence AnalystRarePersonnel10
    ST2E 3 R 207Non-Aligned icon XhosaRareShip10
    ST2E 3 R 208Romulan icon SoterusRareShip10

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    kevkruk's: Star Trek Second Edition haves & wants
    kevkruk's: Star Trek Second Edition haves only
    kevkruk's: Star Trek Second Edition wants only
    kevkruk's: Call to Arms haves & wants
    kevkruk's: Call to Arms haves only
    kevkruk's: Call to Arms wants only