"bashircommander's" tradelist overview for "Strange New Worlds" | openCards

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"bashircommander's" tradelist overview for "Strange New Worlds"

    You see the tradelist for "Strange New Worlds" form openCards member "bashircommander" here. Hint: You will see only those card here, where "bashircommander" has already editied "Haves" and/or "Wants" in his or her collection. So, if you miss a card form this expansion or special set here, it's because "bashircommander" has no corresponding trade cards edited in his or her collection on openCards. Please keep also in mind: a user may mark a card multiple times for "Haves" or/and "Wants" - this could be a explanation for high numbers of "Haves" and/or "Wants" for a single card.

    "bashircommander's" tradelist for "Strange New Worlds":

    InfoNameRarityType# Haves# Wants
    ST2E 7 R 18BrinkmanshipRareEvent01
    ST2E 7 C 19Delicate NegotiationsCommonEvent00
    ST2E 7 R 20Exceed Engine OutputRareEvent00
    ST2E 7 U 21Holodeck GridUncommonEvent00
    ST2E 7 C 22In the Pah-wraith's WakeCommonEvent00
    ST2E 7 R 23Provoked AttackRareEvent01
    ST2E 7 C 24Recover ComponentsCommonEvent00
    ST2E 7 R 25Rule of Acquisition #6RareEvent01
    ST2E 7 C 26Rule of Acquisition #22CommonEvent00
    ST2E 7 C 27Rule of Acquisition #76CommonEvent00
    ST2E 7 R 28Rule of Acquisition #141RareEvent02
    ST2E 7 R 29Rule of Acquisition #144RareEvent20
    ST2E 7 C 30Seeing DoubleCommonEvent00
    ST2E 7 C 31SonchiCommonEvent00
    ST2E 7 R 32Temporal IncursionRareEvent00
    ST2E 7 U 33Tongo: ConfrontUncommonEvent00
    ST2E 7 U 34Vedek AssemblyUncommonEvent00
    ST2E 7 C 35Worth the PriceCommonEvent00
    ST2E 7 R 36AscertainRareInterrupt00
    ST2E 7 C 37Clandestine AgentCommonInterrupt00
    ST2E 7 C 38Clear UltimatumCommonInterrupt00
    ST2E 7 U 39Cluttering IrrelevanciesUncommonInterrupt00
    ST2E 7 R 40Delegated AssignmentRareInterrupt00
    ST2E 7 C 41Impromptu PrisonCommonInterrupt00
    ST2E 7 U 42Means of ControlUncommonInterrupt00
    ST2E 7 C 43SwaggerCommonInterrupt00
    ST2E 7 U 44Veiled ThreatUncommonInterrupt00
    ST2E 7 C 63Federation icon Bruce Maddox, Chair of RoboticsCommonPersonnel00
    ST2E 7 U 64Federation icon Daneeka, Reassuring PhysicianUncommonPersonnel00
    ST2E 7 C 65Federation icon Dr. Leah Brahms, Holographic RepresentationCommonPersonnel00
    ST2E 7 C 66Federation icon E.M.H. ProgramCommonPersonnel00
    ST2E 7 R 67Federation icon Leonard H. McCoy, Remarkable ManRarePersonnel00
    ST2E 7 C 68Federation icon Michael Eddington, Loyal LeaderCommonPersonnel00
    ST2E 7 R 69Federation icon Montgomery Scott, RelicRarePersonnel00
    ST2E 7 U 112Romulan icon Kassem, Stern OperativeUncommonPersonnel00
    ST2E 7 R 113Romulan icon Spock, Celebrated AmbassadorRarePersonnel10
    ST2E 7 C 114Romulan icon Tebok, Posturing CommanderCommonPersonnel00
    ST2E 7 R 120Romulan icon DevorasRareShip00
    ST2E 7 A 4Exceed Engine OutputArchive FoilEvent01
    ST2E 7 A 5Temporal IncursionArchive FoilEvent00
    ST2E 7 A 9Federation icon Montgomery Scott, RelicArchive FoilPersonnel00
    ST2E 7 A 15Romulan icon Spock, Celebrated AmbassadorArchive FoilPersonnel00
    ST2E 7 A 18Romulan icon DevorasArchive FoilShip00