Tradelists for "Blood has Been Shed" | openCards

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Tradelists for "Blood has Been Shed"

    FK libraryCollector's Info

    Uncommon card from Three [Three] (Copyright 2009)
    UCT-ID : FK 3 U 52 (manufactor info on card: 3 U 52)
    Print-Style : color (standard) / black border / non-foil
    No "reprints" for this card (no cards published with same title in a other expansions).

    Blood has Been Shed

    Tradelists containing "Blood has Been Shed" (FK 3 U 52)

    These openCards members have "Blood has Been Shed" either as "Have" or as "Want" in thier FK tradelist. To intitiate a trade, send a openCards "private Message" with your offer to a member on this list (click on "PM" behind the members name).

    To get more information about other offers of a member on this list, you can click either on his or her member name, to navigae to the overview of that members FK tradelists, or you can click on the number of "Haves" OR "Wants", to navigate directely to that members tradelist, that include "Blood has Been Shed".

    User# Haves# WantsLast update
    DE BenW
    Benjamin Wadsack

    10 years ago