"baschti's" tradelist overview for "Premiere WB94" | openCards

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"baschti's" tradelist overview for "Premiere WB94"

    You see the tradelist for "Premiere WB94" form openCards member "baschti" here. Hint: You will see only those card here, where "baschti" has already editied "Haves" and/or "Wants" in his or her collection. So, if you miss a card form this expansion or special set here, it's because "baschti" has no corresponding trade cards edited in his or her collection on openCards. Please keep also in mind: a user may mark a card multiple times for "Haves" or/and "Wants" - this could be a explanation for high numbers of "Haves" and/or "Wants" for a single card.

    "baschti's" tradelist for "Premiere WB94":

    InfoNameRarityType# Haves# Wants
    ST1E 1 R 7 (WB94)Tox UthatRareArtifact00
    ST1E 1 C 12 (WB94)Anaphasic OrganismCommonDilemma00
    ST1E 1 R 16 (WB94)Barclay's Protomorphosis DiseaseRareDilemma00
    ST1E 1 U 17 (WB94)Birth of "Junior"UncommonDilemma00
    ST1E 1 C 29 (WB94)Iconian Computer WeaponCommonDilemma00
    ST1E 1 C 30 (WB94)Impassable DoorCommonDilemma00
    ST1E 1 C 32 (WB94)Male's Love InterestCommonDilemma00
    ST1E 1 R 44 (WB94)QRareDilemma00
    ST1E 1 U 49 (WB94)Shaka, When the Walls FellUncommonDilemma00
    ST1E 1 C 56 (WB94)Engineering PADDCommonEquipment00
    ST1E 1 C 57 (WB94)Federation PADDCommonEquipment00
    ST1E 1 C 63 (WB94)Romulan PADDCommonEquipment00
    ST1E 1 C 64 (WB94)Starfleet Type II PhaserCommonEquipment00
    ST1E 1 C 65 (WB94)TricorderCommonEquipment00
    ST1E 1 C 68 (WB94)Atmospheric IonizationCommonEvent00
    ST1E 1 C 86 (WB94)Pattern EnhancersCommonEvent00
    ST1E 1 C 88 (WB94)Q-NetCommonEvent00
    ST1E 1 C 90 (WB94)Red Alert!CommonEvent00
    ST1E 1 C 91 (WB94)Res-QCommonEvent00
    ST1E 1 R 95 (WB94)SupernovaRareEvent00
    ST1E 1 C 97 (WB94)Tetryon FieldCommonEvent00
    ST1E 1 U 98 (WB94)The Traveler: TranscendenceUncommonEvent00
    ST1E 1 C 100 (WB94)Treaty: Federation/RomulanCommonEvent00
    ST1E 1 C 103 (WB94)Where No One Has Gone BeforeCommonEvent00
    ST1E 1 C 104 (WB94)Federation icon Federation OutpostCommonFacility00
    ST1E 1 U 108 (WB94)Amanda RogersUncommonInterrupt00
    ST1E 1 C 112 (WB94)Disruptor OverloadCommonInterrupt00
    ST1E 1 C 114 (WB94)Emergency Transporter ArmbandsCommonInterrupt00
    ST1E 1 C 116 (WB94)Escape PodCommonInterrupt00
    ST1E 1 C 128 (WB94)Long-Range ScanCommonInterrupt00
    ST1E 1 C 129 (WB94)Loss of Orbital StabilityCommonInterrupt00
    ST1E 1 C 131 (WB94)Palor Toff - Alien TraderCommonInterrupt00
    ST1E 1 C 132 (WB94)Particle FountainCommonInterrupt10
    ST1E 1 C 134 (WB94)Rogue Borg MercenariesCommonInterrupt00
    ST1E 1 C 135 (WB94)ScanCommonInterrupt00
    ST1E 1 U 142 (WB94)The JugglerUncommonInterrupt00
    ST1E 1 C 154 (WB94)ExcavationCommonMission00
    ST1E 1 C 181 (WB94)Repair MissionCommonMission00
    ST1E 1 C 191 (WB94)Study Stellar CollisionCommonMission00
    ST1E 1 U 196 (WB94)Federation icon Alexander RozhenkoUncommonPersonnel00
    ST1E 1 C 202 (WB94)Federation icon Christopher HobsonCommonPersonnel00
    ST1E 1 U 211 (WB94)Federation icon Fleet Admiral ShanthiUncommonPersonnel00
    ST1E 1 U 214 (WB94)Federation icon Hannah BatesUncommonPersonnel00
    ST1E 1 C 220 (WB94)Federation icon Linda LarsonCommonPersonnel00
    ST1E 1 C 222 (WB94)Federation icon McKnightCommonPersonnel00
    ST1E 1 C 223 (WB94)Federation icon MendonCommonPersonnel00
    ST1E 1 C 239 (WB94)Federation icon Sito JaxaCommonPersonnel00
    ST1E 1 C 241 (WB94)Federation icon TaittCommonPersonnel00
    ST1E 1 C 244 (WB94)Federation icon TaurikCommonPersonnel00
    ST1E 1 U 247 (WB94)Federation icon T'PanUncommonPersonnel00
    ST1E 1 C 257 (WB94)Klingon icon DukathCommonPersonnel00
    ST1E 1 U 270 (WB94)Klingon icon KoralUncommonPersonnel00
    ST1E 1 C 275 (WB94)Klingon icon K'TeshCommonPersonnel00
    ST1E 1 U 285 (WB94)Klingon icon ToralUncommonPersonnel00
    ST1E 1 C 303 (WB94)Non-Aligned icon VekorCommonPersonnel00
    ST1E 1 U 311 (WB94)Romulan icon MovarUncommonPersonnel00
    ST1E 1 U 319 (WB94)Romulan icon TaibakUncommonPersonnel00
    ST1E 1 C 322 (WB94)Romulan icon TarusCommonPersonnel00
    ST1E 1 C 323 (WB94)Romulan icon TaulCommonPersonnel00
    ST1E 1 C 331 (WB94)Federation icon RunaboutCommonShip00
    ST1E 1 C 338 (WB94)Federation icon U.S.S. MirandaCommonShip00
    ST1E 1 C 339 (WB94)Federation icon U.S.S. NebulaCommonShip00
    ST1E 1 C 340 (WB94)Federation icon U.S.S. OberthCommonShip00
    ST1E 1 C 355 (WB94)Non-Aligned icon Yridian ShuttleCommonShip00
    ST1E 1 C 362 (WB94)Romulan icon Science VesselCommonShip00

    Within this selection you can generate PDF files about the Tradelists ("Haves" and "Wants") of openCards user "baschti". Simply click on one of the following links and the automatically generated PDF list will open (only condition: you must have an PDF reader on you local computer).

    baschti's Tradelist: haves & wants
    baschti's: haves only
    baschti's: wants only
    baschti's: Star Trek First Edition haves & wants
    baschti's: Star Trek First Edition haves only
    baschti's: Star Trek First Edition wants only
    baschti's: Premiere WB94 haves & wants
    baschti's: Premiere WB94 haves only
    baschti's: Premiere WB94 wants only