The Portrait of a Good Treaty | openCards

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DS9 iconThe Portrait of a Good Treaty

    This Deck was build by and was published first on "none".

    Warnings for this deck!
    A ST2E dilemma pile must contain at least 20 cards!

    The Portrait of a Good Treaty

    Deck listing:

    Mission Missions:

    Amnesty Talksimage (1 U 151)
    Obtain Vaccineimage (7 U 50)
    Runabout Searchimage (1 U 196)

    Dilemma pile (0):

    space Space: 0 / planet Planet: 0 / dual Dual: 0

    Draw deck (48):

    EventEvent (5):

    InterruptInterrupt (6):
    Escapeimage (1 R 127)
    Stricken Dumbimage (2 U 87)

    PersonnelPersonnel (33):
    federationStaffDeep Space Nine related card
    Altmanimage (1 C 251)
    bajoranStaffDeep Space Nine related card
    Anaraimage (1 C 207)
    bajoranStaffDeep Space Nine related card
    Anneliimage (4 C 99)
    federationDeep Space Nine related card
    Bandeeimage (1 C 254)
    federationCommandDeep Space Nine related card
    bajoranStaffDeep Space Nine related card
    Brilgarimage (1 C 210)
    bajoranDeep Space Nine related card
    Jabaraimage (1 C 214)
    federationStaffDeep Space Nine related card
    federationPastThe Original Series related card
    federationCommandVoyager related card
    bajoranCommandDeep Space Nine related card
    Marshorimage (1 C 336)
    federationStaffDeep Space Nine related card
    federationStaffDeep Space Nine related card
    Paulsonimage (1 C 280)
    federationStaffVoyager related card
    Sotoimage (1 C 345)
    federationStaffDeep Space Nine related card
    T'Lorimage (1 C 285)
    non-alignedDeep Space Nine related card

    Ship Ship (4):
    bajoranDeep Space Nine related card
    federationDeep Space Nine related card
    federationDeep Space Nine related card

    Hints & strategie notes for this Deck

    Do you think you can get all six Archive Portraits under your command without a single headquarters where any of them can play? Well, see this fun, themed, deck list with strategy piece.

    Fittingly, the release of Strange New Worlds launched a whole new set of cards known as the archive portrait series. Six leaders have been immortalized in this series to-date, and personalities range from Kirk to the Borg Queen. Imagine for a moment the interesting adventures they would have if they all formed an Interstellar Treaty...

    Getting all of these celebrated personnel under your command in one deck can be tricky (and may not win a lot of tournaments due to lack of speed, or basic vulnerabilities like Racial Tension), but it can be fun to build a deck based on non-strategic goals like getting all portrait cards (Borg Queen, James T. Kirk, Kathryn Janeway, Seven of Nine, Shinzon, and T'Pol) into play.

    Just as in life, some personalities adapt less readily than others. For instance, his lack of Diplomacy makes getting Shinzon into play anywhere except on Romulus a bit more involved than most of the other archive portraits. Still, Interstellar Treaty would allow, for instance, B'Etor or Neral to be placed at any headquarters, and Alternate Identity could then help get Shinzon under your command. Similarly, the archive portrait of Seven of Nine cannot rely on the treaty to be placed at a headquarters, but she can find her way aboard a ship with Janeway or Kirk who just helped complete a Runabout Search.

    It is important to remember the requirements of playing Interstellar Treaty, which include four counters as well as the requisite pair of Diplomacy personnel under your command. With such principal characters assembled, missions that target Diplomacy (and/or Leadership) become a natural choice. Of course, every strong leader also carries a sense of Personal Duty that may interfere with your mission-completing plans. To keep their contributions going, they may need to be Stricken Dumb every now and then. Further, with such an investment in getting specific personnel in play, it's probably wise to also include a couple of copies of Escape to help keep them alive and on your side of the table.

    Since only three copies of Interstellar Treaty are allowed in a draw deck, and since you likely cannot expect to actually play all three copies even if they are in your deck, support cards like Transporter Buffer can help you retrieve the treaty for intergalactic use. This is especially true if your headquarters doesn't allow reporting of any of the archive portraits, as is the case for the sample deck included with this article (which uses Deep Space Nine as the headquarters). Just imagine Shinzon and the Borg Queen yelling "Dabo!" at Quark's! Again, this deck may not win a lot of tournaments, but sometimes it's important to just have fun with deck design, so throw a couple of copies of Interstellar Treaty in your deck, and the landscape can be rife with portraits of your favorite personnel.