ST2E Tournament - "The Undiscovered Country Release event" | openCards

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ST2E Tournament - "The Undiscovered Country Release event"

    This Tournament was announced and operated by openCards user Johannes Klarhauser (KaiserK).

    Results: (published by Telak)

    RankPlayerPointsAffiliationAdditional information
    1 KaiserK9DS9 iconNon-Aligned iconThieves
    2 Dejan7Romulan iconSolver
    3 eberlems5Cardassian iconThe Cost of Freedom attribute boost
    4 Rainer Hochstetter1unknown icon


    Date: May 17th, 2008
    Format: Constructed (Standard)
    Level: Level 1 (Standard tournaments)
    Region: Gamma-03
    Ultra Comix / Projekt Sieben - Nürnberg (Germany)
    Location contact: none deposited
    Number of participants: 4
    Played Rounds: 4

    Tournament director

    TD: KaiserK (log in OR create a new account to write TD a private message)

    Invitation text

    The Undiscovered Country ist bei diesem Turnier bereits erlaubt; desweiteren sind auch Proxies von allen weiteren Karten ausdrücklich erlaubt!

     Dem Sieger winkt eine Parek-Foil; weitere Preise nach Verfügbarkeit.